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FAQ (27 / 27)
Which is the difference between Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signature?
What is Electronic Signature?
QES/Qualified Electronic Signature (Qualified Digital ID)
Which is the difference between US and Europe Approach to Electronic Signature?
Do you have any problems with MyInfoCert App?
Where can I find the video-identification link to QES signature?
What is eIDAS Regulation?
How can I change the QES Signature PIN?
Do you have any usage problems?
How to make the video-identification
What are the differences between GoSign Desktop and GoSign Key Controller?
Where can I buy a QES?
Do you have any problems with your PIN?
People that are not using GoSign, can be involved in signature process?
How to activate MyInfoCert App
How can I request a digital signature revoke?
Where can I find the Digital Signature contractual documentation?
Can I verify a sign document on GoSign Web?
Why do I need to download MyInfoCert App to sign?
What is the maximum size of a file that I can sign with GoSign Desktop?
Do I need an Infocert certificate to Sign with GoSign Desktop?
How can I set up my Qualified Digital ID in Adobe Sign?
How to generate an OTP Code
What is Self-ID Recognition process on GoSign?
What is SPID Identification process on GoSign?
Do you have any problems with OTP?
What is VideoChat Identification process on GoSign?
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