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15 results filtered by GoSign
FAQ (15 / 15)
Where can I download GoSign Desktop?
Can I sign a document available on GoSign with my Smartphone?
People that are not using GoSign, can be involved in signature process?
What is VideoChat Identification process on GoSign?
Do you have any usage problems?
Can I verify a sign document on GoSign Web?
Do I need an Infocert certificate to Sign with GoSign Desktop?
What are the differences between GoSign Desktop and GoSign Key Controller?
I've received an email invitation to access to GoSign, what should I do?
What is the maximum size of a file that I can sign with GoSign Desktop?
What is Self-ID Recognition process on GoSign?
What is SPID Identification process on GoSign?
How can I recover GoSign password?
How to activate PRO license on GoSign Desktop?
How to ask for a refund
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