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  • What you need
  • What to do
  • Access to the portal
  • Buy and Pay
  • Complete the registration
  • Applicant trusted identification
  • Contract informations and statements
  • MyInfoCert App
Guide to requesting a QES Certificate

What you need

  • The link to the InfoCert Portal to register your data and complete the purchase of the QES (Qualified Electronic Signature) certificate;
  • Your identification document with which the InfoCert Operator will be able to identify you during the live web session;
  • The details of the payment method you want to select between credit card, or PayPal;
  • A mobile phone to receive the OTP codes to complete the subscription of the contract and the activation of the app.

What to do

The actions required to activate your QES certificate are:

  • Access to the Portal and start the registration process;
  • finalize the purchase of the certificate bearing in mind that you buy a QES certificate, payment methods available (eg. Credit Card or PayPal);
  • complete the registration;
  • follow the instructions given to you during the live web session by the InfoCert Operator;
  • check the contract documents;
  • sign the contract documents and change your PIN;
  • install and configure the signature app.

Access to the portal

To request your QES certificate, you have to access this PAGE and click the button Buy Now on the "QES" card.

Once on this page, if you have a coupon code, click on Got a discount code? Button to apply the coupon.

You’ll see the new price as a confirmation.

If you already have an account, click on Already registered? Log in at the top of the page and insert your credentials (e-mail, password).

Otherwise, you have to sign up and create a new InfoCert account. Finally, click on Register button to go on.

Buy and Pay

If you don’t have a discount code, the second step required is to proceed with the acquirement of your QES certificate.

Buy the QES certificate

If required, you need to insert your billing data and choose your payment method (Credit card or PayPal). Once done, click on Complete the purchase.

After the payment is collected successfully, you’ll be redirected to the purchase summary.

You need to click on the Complete the Online Form button to start the video recognition process.

If you prefer carrying on the registration process later, click on the Copy link to clipboard button and save the link.

Check the Email

After purchasing the QES, you need to check the e-mail, where you can find the "Confirmation of purchase", as well as the LINK to continue with the registration of the QES signature.

Complete the registration

The Welcome page shows you the list of activities to be completed in order to obtain your QES certificate.

Before finalizing the insertion of your data, you are asked to:

  • verify that your computer (or device) is compatible with InfoCert’s live web session system. To begin the verification you need to press Start test button;
  • check the Privacy Information box, which consent to record of the webcam session the InfoCert Operator.

After performing the device compatibility test, you need to Confirm Terms and Conditions of service.

After which, you begin to insert your personal information.

Then your contact information.

And finalize your activity by entering the address

In the following step, you need to upload the chosen ID, alternatively you can take a photo directly with the device in use.

Applicant trusted identification

In order to obtain a digital signature certificate, you are requires to be recognized. The live web session aim is to ensure the conformity between the data stated during the registration, the information present on the the recognition document and your person.

If there are no free operators, you can choose to wait or try again later.

The "Identification page" allows you to connect with the first available InfoCert Operator.

During the live web session, you are required to follow the indications given to you by the InfoCert Operator:

  • Agree to have the Operator take two photographs of your face;
  • show the identification document and agree that Operator takes photographs of the identity document;
  • provide the Operator with the OTP code received on the mobile phone. At the end of the identification session, the InfoCert Operator closes the dialog box and allows you to continue the QES certificate request activity.

Contract informations and statements

The next page shows the contractual documentation.

You are supposed to read the Terms and Conditions and the Certificate Practice Statement (CPS) documents, to accept the shown statements and confirm the data processing clauses. To proceed, put flags and click the Request The Certificate button.

A final verification of all data inserted and acceptance of General and Specific Terms and Conditions statements, can be found through the Registration and Certification Request page.

To terminate the verification of the contractual documentation you can click on the Continue button.

You will receive via SMS an OTP Code to enter on the next screen in order to sign the contract.

The QES request process is ended.

You are supposed to save the signed contractual documents and click on Finish button.

To activate you digital signature you need to set a passphrase.

Click on Confirm and continue button to complete the procedure.

The App MyInfoCert allows you to generate directly on your phone the OTP codes required to validate (together with your PIN) the use of your QES certificate.

MyInfoCert App

The App’s function is equivalent to the OTP codes sent via SMS, and presents the advantage of being free of charge and indipendent from the Internet.

You can download free and install the App available for Android (Google Play) and iOS (Apple Store).

To activate the App it will be required to fill in the "Email or Username" and "Password" blanks for your Digital ID account.

It is than necessary to verify the account by inserting the OTP code sent to the phone number registered in the InfoCert Portal.

Then, insert the "Account name" (eg. Name Lastname).

Finally, set a (6) six digit PIN code to protect App from unauthorized uses.

Confirm your unlock code and press Continue.

If the steps have been carried out correctly, you will receive confirmation that the app has been successfully activated.

You will now be able to generate an OTP code simply by clicking on the "OTP Creator" button.

The OTP code generated (which will remain valid for 60 seconds), together with Username and Password, will allow for the authentication of the QES signature.

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