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What are projects in Legalinvoice Germany and how can I use them?

The ‘Projects’ module gives you a better overview of your work and makes it easy to track the budget spent and hours worked for each project.

You can also easily register and invoice hours worked from within a project.

  • Activate Projects Module

    Go to ‘Settings' > 'General’ and activate the module under 'Time registration and projects'. Then click ‘Save’ at the bottom.

    In the left menu, you will now see the item 'Projects' appear.

    If you want, you can also enter a default hourly rate for your projects in the settings. Then click ‘Save’ at the bottom. (*)

    To do this, go to ‘Settings' > 'Users’ and click on the name of the user for whom you want to activate the module. Scroll down to ‘Rights’, activate the ‘Projects’ option, and click ‘Save’ at the bottom.

  • Edit or delete a project

    1. Go to the platform and click ‘Projects’ in the left-hand column.
    2. Click the overview on the pencil to the right of the project you want to edit. You can also click the project name and then click ‘Edit’ at the top right.
    3. Edit the details and then click ‘Save’ at the bottom.
    4. If you want to delete the project click ‘Delete’ at the bottom.
  • Start or add a time entry from within a project

    1. Go to the platform and click ‘Projects’ in the left-hand column.
    2. In the overview, click the project for which you want to record working hours.
    3. Click ‘Add time entry’ or ‘Start clock’ to add or start a new time entry for this project.
  • Allocate a time entry to a project

    1. Go to the platform and click ‘Time registration’ in the left-hand column.
    2. Click the pencil to the right of the time slot you want to allocate.
    3. In the ‘Project’ field, enter the name of the project to which you want to allocate the invoice. When you type the first letters, the name will appear, and you can select it.
    4. Click ‘Save’.
  • Allocate an invoice to a project

    1. Go to ‘Incomes' > 'Invoices’ to allocate a sales invoice or ‘Expenses' > 'Invoices’ to allocate a purchase invoice.
    2. Click the name of the invoice you want to allocate.
    3. In the ‘Project’ field, enter the name of the project to which you want to allocate the invoice. When you type the first letters, the name will appear, and you can select it.
    4. Click ‘Save’.
  • Search for a project

If you have a long list of projects and are losing track, you can use the search bar under ‘Overview’ to search by project name. The drop-down menu next to it allows you to filter the list by project status.

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