Guide to manage a Remote Signature Certificate on MySign
What I need:The link to the portal MySign, dedicated to holders of a remote signing certificate;the User-ID and the password of your remote signing certificate;the mobile phone, associated during registration, to receive OTP codes, via SMS.
How to use a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) with GoSign
What you needan active QES signing certificate;the security PIN of the QES certificate;the GoSign Desktop software and the GoSign web application;the mobile phone to receive the SMS message with the OTP code;an electronic document to be signed;an internet connection.
Guide to requesting a QES Certificate
What you needThe link where you can buy the QES (Qualified Electronic Signature) certificate or directly to the Catalog;Your identification document (eg. Passport) with which the InfoCert Operator will be able to identify you during the live web session;The details of the payment method you want to select between credit card, or PayPal;A mobile phone to receive the OTP codes to complete the subscription of the contract.
Guide to request a Qualified Electronic Seal Certificate
What you needThe link where you can buy the Qualified Electronic Seal (Qualified eSeal) Certificate or directly to the Catalog;The details of the payment method you want to select between Credit Card and PayPal.
Guide to requesting a QES Certificate with eDoc ID
What you needAn e-mail address;A phone number to receive an OTP Code via SMS to complete the procedure;A smartphone (with Android 8+, Huawei or iOS 13+) with NFC technolgy;A valid Electronic Identity Document (Passport or ID Card - only for Italian citizens);MyInfoCert App installed on the smartphone.