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FAQ (5 / 21)
What is an SSL certificate?
What’s the difference between OV SSL Certificates and EV SSL Certificates?
Which transactions can SSL secure?
Do I need an Infocert certificate to Sign with GoSign Desktop?
What to do if I don't have a digital signature certificate?
Guide (5 / 17)

Guide to activate a Remote Signature Certificate

What I need
The link to the portal MySign, dedicated to holders of a remote signing certificate;
the User-ID of your remote signing certificate;
the mobile phone, associated during registration, to receive OTP codes, via SMS.

Remote Signature Certificate Renewal Guide

What You Need
A remote signature certificate to renew;
the User-Id and password to access the portal MySign;
the security PIN of the certificate to be renewed;
the device to obtain the OTP, mobile or cryptographic token, as agreed at the time of issue of the certificate;
the credentials to access the Infocert store and if you want to proceed with the payment and renewal in a single work session, a credit card or credentials to access the account PayPal;
Alternatively, payment can also be made by bank transfer. It is necessary to consider that this payment method provides more days for accounting and consequently for the completion of the renewal.

Guide to manage a Remote Signature Certificate

What I need:
The link to the portal MySign, dedicated to holders of a remote signing certificate;
the User-ID and the password of your remote signing certificate;
the mobile phone, associated during registration, to receive OTP codes, via SMS.

Guide to requesting a QES Certificate

What you need
The link to the InfoCert Portal to register your data and complete the purchase of the QES (Qualified Electronic Signature) certificate;
Your identification document with which the InfoCert Operator will be able to identify you during the live web session;
The details of the payment method you want to select between credit card, or PayPal;
A mobile phone to receive the OTP codes to complete the subscription of the contract and the activation of the app.

Guide to requesting a QES Certificate with eDoc ID

What you need
An e-mail address;
A phone number to receive an OTP Code via SMS to complete the procedure;
A smartphone (with Android 8+, Huawei or iOS 13+) with NFC technolgy;
A valid Electronic Identity Document (Passport or ID Card - only for Italian citizens);
MyInfoCert App installed on the smartphone.

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