Where can I find the catalogue of purchasable services?
Guide to activate a Remote Signature Certificate
What I needThe link to the portal MySign, dedicated to holders of a remote signing certificate;the User-ID of your remote signing certificate;the mobile phone, associated during registration, to receive OTP codes, via SMS.
Guide to Create Dossier Function on GoSign (Web)
What you needLink to GoSign Portal;User ID and Password to the portal.If you need to sign documents included in GoSign dossier creator, check the "what I need" section of Sign & Send Function on GoSign (Web) Guide.
I am an accountant, what additional features do I have in Legalinvoice Germany?
To export purchase and sales invoices for multiple files simultaneously, select these files and then click the "Export Documents" button at the top.To change the data of a file, click on the file. To the right of the name of the file you will then see a pencil icon to edit the file.In the tab "Bank Account" you will fin an overview of all bank accounts that have been added to your files. Transactions appear in real-time in the file.
Guide to Installation and Configuration GoSign (Mobile)
What you needA valid sign certificate;GoSign mobile app installed in your Smartphone or tablet;The phone number you entered in the registration process to receive SMS with OTP number;An internet connection.
GoSign Key Controller User Guide
What I needGoSign Key Controller installed on your pc;A valid QES certificate;A program installed on your pc that allows you to digitally sign your document (ex. Adobe Reader).